Ways to Save

As a community-owned market, we aim to be accessible to people of all income levels. Below are four great ways to save money at the store. Everyone is welcome to shop at the Co-op; you don't need to be a Member-Owner to enjoy
our sweet selection of local, organic, and natural products. 


Look for the green signs! 

Every 2-3 weeks, we have a new Co+op Deals flyer at the front of the store, outlining the great sales we have available to everyone. You can also just look for the green signs around the store.

click here to view our current Co+op Deals Flyer



Look for the purple signs! 

Co+op Basics is our everyday low cost program, available to everyone, that offers ongoing value prices on many popular grocery and household items. From milk to beef to cereal, you’ll find low prices on many of your favorite products. 


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BiMonthly in-store COUPOnS!

Every two months you'll see a new selection of coupon tear pads throughout the store with lots of great savings and recipes.  Everyone is welcome to use these. Just grab the ones you want and take them to the register!


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Do you use SNAP/EBT? 

If so, you qualify for a program called Farm Fresh Rewards that helps more members of our community eat well and support local farmers.